Indoor Games Overview
Toddlers learn so much from
playing games. It is a great way to teach and have fun with your
child at the same time. These games will help develop both fine and
gross motor skills. Parent supervision is required for many of these
games. Do not leave your child alone with objects such as balloons,
etc. Safety comes first! Have fun!
Try the following game books
for more ideas:
Toddler Play (Gymboree)
by Wendy S. Masi
Fun with Mommy & Me
by Dr. Cindy Bunin Nurik with Jane Schonberger
Things to Do with Toddlers
and Twos by Karen Miller
Games to Play with Toddlers
by Jackie Silberg
A Year of Fun Just for
One's by Jean Warren and Theodosia Sideropoulos Spewock
The Toddler's Busy Book
by Trish Kuffner
Indoor Games Lesson List
(More details on playing the games to be
found on the individual lesson pages.)
Lesson 1 |
Cleaning Up? or Maybe Not! |
Lesson 2 |
What do you see? (Mirror Game) |
Lesson 3 |
Bean Bag Catch |
Lesson 4 |
Block Towers |
Lesson 5 |
Climbing Stairs |
Lesson 6 |
Hats Galore |
Lesson 7 |
Cereal Transfer |
Lesson 8 |
Telephone Talk |
Lesson 9 |
Line up the Shoes |
Lesson 10 |
Cars Go Down! |
Lesson 11 |
Felt Board Shapes |
Lesson 12 |
Somersaults |
Lesson 13 |
Ball Play |
Lesson 14 |
Stack 'em up! |
Lesson 15 |
Advanced Peek-a-boo |
Lesson 16 |
Obstacle Course Fun |
Lesson 17 |
Balloon Bop |
Lesson 18 |
Milk Carton City |
Lesson 19 |
Teddy Bear Fun |
Lesson 20 |
Sponge Walk |
Lesson 21 |
Cardboard Adventure |
Lesson 22 |
Puzzle Play |
Lesson 23 |
Sock Match |
Lesson 24 |
Clothespin Drop |