Monday Schedule~
of the Week
Age 3
Katrina Lybbert

Arts (30 minutes)
of the Week:
the letter of the week on a big poster.
Teach both
the name and the sound it stands for. Only one sound at a time!
Show both
upper and lower case letters ie: Aa, Mm, Pp, etc.
Post it
where the child will see it often through the week, such as on the refrigerator.
Mention it often!
You can
also do a coloring page for the letter. Have your child color the
letter and post it where they would like to see it displayed!
Theme Words:
For each
letter I have listed theme words.
Make flash
cards for at least 5 of the words and show them 2 - 3x daily during the
week. (You can choose different words from mine, just make
sure they begin with the proper sound of the letter.)
- use a red felt pen to write the words on white cardstock approx. 3 x
8 inches.
Hint - I
have found the best time to show the flash cards is at meal times.
You do not
need to have the child repeat back the word. Just show them quickly
one after the other.
If you would
like you can find a picture for the theme word and place it on the back
of the flash card.
idea for the theme word cards is to just post them on a bulletin board,
or the wall, where the child will see them often.
& Rhymes:
Choose one
poem or rhyme to memorize(at least read it to the child daily).
Write it
on construction paper and post it where you can review it often.
Find a good
poetry or nursery rhyme book in your library or purchase one.
I recommend
the following books - Favorite Poems Old and New, 1001 Rhymes & Fingerplays(Totline
book), Animals Animals by Eric Carle, The 20th Century Children's Poetry
Treasury and A Child's Garden of Verses.
Or follow
the links on the letter pages to find great poems and nursery rhymes.
Choose one
or more books from the list of books(or of your own choosing) to read aloud.
You can
continue to read the same book for the rest of the week or pick a different
one each day.
If you choose
the book, I suggest that the book(s) be related to one or more of your
theme words.
Find the
books at your library, local bookstore, or online bookstore.
love music, it is a fun way to teach the letters!
to a music selection of the composer listed.
- make a flash card with the name of the composer. Occasionally set
out all the flash cards learned, play a selection of music and see if they
can find the composer's card. Make it a game.
Choose a
song from the list of songs to sing with your child during the week.
will include a link to the song if possible. Otherwise - look for
Wee Sing tapes for fun childrens music. ie: Wee Sing Silly
Songs, Wee Sing Sing-alongs, Wee Sing Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies.
Raffi or Sharon, Lois & Bram are also good sources for fun songs.
Story/Character Lesson (15 minutes)
For those
who would like to, I have included a suggestion for a bible story and/or
a character trait. Use a good children's bible or read straight from
the scriptures. I will be including more information in this area
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